Multi-faceted, public-service amateur radio station in Clarkston, WA
United States of America


Digital / Packet Communication

Finding a signal

Finding a signal

K7MM has digital stations on 145.050 MHz, and
223.460 MHz.  These include CLKHUB, CLKBBS, CLKCHA, CLKRMS, and HF PacTOR .  Station K7MM supports popular digital nodes such as CLKHUB (K7MM-4).

FM Repeaters

Gold Mountain

Gold Mountain

Enjoy using the FM repeaters that I maintain:

  • Clarkston —Voice

    • 927.3500 MHz (114.8-Hz tone)

  • Clarkston —Data

    • 145.050 MHz

    • 223.460 MHz

  • Cottonwood Butte—Data

    • 145.530 MHz

    • 223.460 MHz

Emcomm and Contesting

Ready for Field Day!

Ready for Field Day!

K7MM is an Official Emergency Station in WA ARES District/Region IX.  I work with Asotin County emergency management and the Sheriff’s Posse.

I enjoy contests such as ARRL Field Day (see photo above), domestic contests like ARRL Sweepstakes, and DX contests like CQWW DX.  I hold the CW QRP records for ARRL Sweepstakes for Québec and Wyoming.  My India callsign is VU3MMW.




For more information on amateur radio see

ARRL:  The National Association for Amateur Radio